Mark Mullen Artistic Illumination Landscape Lighting

A licensed electrical contractor in the state of California for 30+ years, Mark Mullen has worked on homes ranging from a few hundreds of thousands of dollars to tens of millions of dollar mansions. With over 50,000 man-hours of time spent in the field, Mark specializes in turning mundane backyard property into warm, inviting resorts to which you’ll be the only guest.

Landscape lighting provides Security, increases property value and creates a beautiful ambiance.

Proper lighting around a home or business has been shown to reduce crime potential by up to 50%. By lighting dark shrubs and facades, you can eliminate hiding places and increase visibility for neighborhood watch and police patrols.

A beautifully lighted yard increases the value of your property. It enables you to enjoy all its benefits now and create greater value later when its time to sell.

Accent lighting of trees flower beds through artistic applications allows you to enjoy your yard even at night. An aura of elegance surrounds your property, while creating a soft and inviting ambiance to greet your guest the door.


Outdoor Lighting


Lic. 445591 C-10 Certified by: C.S.L.B.

(866) 489-9325



  • Custom Outdoor Landscape Lighting Design
  • LED Landscape Lighting
  • Convert Halogen Lighting Systems to energy efficient LED Landscape Lighting